
Student Code of Conduct

The purposes of the Student Conduct Code are to: (1) specify the minimum standards of conduct expected of every Metropolitan Community College student while on College property, at cooperative agencies, and while in attendance at College-affiliated activities; and (2) specify the sanctions which may be imposed and the procedures for the imposition of sanctions when the College’s standards of student conduct are violated.

Alcohol Policy

MCC is a "permit-only" campus, meaning that no one, regardless of age, can consume alcohol on campus property without a permit and there are strict criteria for obtaining a permit. This includes all buildings, residence halls, parking lots, and dining and conference facilities.

Nebraska Collegiate Consortium (NCC)

This website provides support for campuses across Nebraska that are committed to reducing high-risk drinking.

Binge (website with video/audio)

This NET News production looks at young adults drinking too much, too fast. Hear from law enforcement, university officials, and bar owners trying to change lives before it’s too late. It includes a locally produced television special, video extras, a NET Radio series, and other web resources.

Your Kids Are Drinking (website with video/audio)

NET Television and NET Radio combine efforts to present this project focused on the problems associated with underage drinking. It includes a locally produced television special, a televised panel discussion of the problem, and a three-part NET Radio series.

Power of Parenting at Metropolitan Community College was developed with support from the Nebraska Office of Highway Safety, the Nebraska Prevention Center for Alcohol & Drug Abuse and in part by Grant #93.243 under the Strategic Prevention Framework-Partnership for Success Grant from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Center for Substance Abuse Prevention through the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services and Region 6 Behavioral Healthcare.


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