What Do You Talk About?

Family Values About Drinking

When drinking is and isn’t appropriate:

  • Is alcohol involved in family get-togethers? If so, how is safe drinking modeled by adults?
  • What messages about drinking did you send to your sons and daughters as they were growing up?
  • What are the family beliefs about drinking socially?
  • What are some family values that may be affected if unhealthy drinking occurs? Some families have concerns that drinking may lead to problems related to sexual activity, physical health, productivity in school, and careers.


Underage & High-Risk Drinking Dangers

The first section of this site explained some of the risks that your sons and daughters will be exposed to at MCC. We encourage you to use that information to talk knowledgeably to them about how that info relates to where they’ll be living.


How to Stay Safe if Drinking

  • Students who choose to drink can take steps to stay safe.
  • The Specific Strategies page presents strategies for dealing with different situations in greater depth.


Why People Choose to Drink

  • Peer Pressure
  • Escape from the stresses of college life.
  • Misperception that everyone is drinking, or it’s just part of college life.

Power of Parenting at Metropolitan Community College was developed with support from the Nebraska Office of Highway Safety, the Nebraska Prevention Center for Alcohol & Drug Abuse and in part by Grant #93.243 under the Strategic Prevention Framework-Partnership for Success Grant from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Center for Substance Abuse Prevention through the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services and Region 6 Behavioral Healthcare.


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