
It’s very important to have open communication with your sons and daughters so they feel like they can talk to you about their difficulties and successes.

However, open communication will not ensure that you get the opportunity to talk to them about alcohol, and only direct conversations will be able to give them the skills they may need.

Your input about risks and strategies coupled with your understanding of their beliefs about alcohol at the college will act as important protective factors as they start their college careers.

3 Keys to Successful Communication About Alcohol

All three keys to successful communication are important for impactful discussions about alcohol. None of them alone can accomplish the goal of helping your sons and daughters navigate the risks associated with drinking at college.

Only you know which of these are your strengths and which you need to work on. Your input can truly make a difference, especially if it is founded in MCC-specific information that is effectively communicated and builds upon a healthy relationship.

How can you prepare your sons and daughters for the risks of drinking in college?
Power of Parenting at Metropolitan Community College was developed with support from the Nebraska Office of Highway Safety, the Nebraska Prevention Center for Alcohol & Drug Abuse and in part by Grant #93.243 under the Strategic Prevention Framework-Partnership for Success Grant from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Center for Substance Abuse Prevention through the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services and Region 6 Behavioral Healthcare.


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