Risks, Consequences, Choices

Picture your sons and daughters applying for a job after they graduate from college.

With modern social media and easy access to the Internet, one of the first tasks an employer will do is "google" them. If your sons and daughters were arrested or did something "dumb" that was printed in the Omaha World Herald, do you think that employer will still bring them in for an interview?

An arrest record today can impact people in many ways it did not when modern parents were young, ...but that's just one of the risks related to alcohol.

While there are a number of changes that occur during the first year of college, alcohol use is often one of the most challenging to deal with. Students may believe that most of their peers are drinking alcohol and thus feel more pressure to do so as well, which may result in unwanted and/or dangerous consequences.

In 2013, the percentage of underage students at Nebraska post-secondary schools that reported that they abstained from alcohol was 63%.

This type of information is important to share with your sons and daughters because it dispels the perception that all of their peers are drinking and drinking excessively. When students realize that they’re not alone in either abstaining from alcohol or, at the very least, controlling their drinking, they feel more comfortable declining the invitation to drink at social events.

Although more and more students are choosing to abstain from alcohol use and practice responsible drinking, high-risk drinking is still a concern at MCC. As you visit with your sons and daughters about drinking at college, having accurate information helps initiate the conversation and allows you to speak with confidence and credibility.

Watch these videos to find out some students’ impressions of the college drinking scene.

This website features interviews from students and administrators from institutions of higher education in Nebraska. Although this website is intended for the parents of MCC students, it is important to note that young adults in the city of Omaha, enrolled, employed or both, socialize together and often share similar experiences related to their transition to college life.

Power of Parenting at Metropolitan Community College was developed with support from the Nebraska Office of Highway Safety, the Nebraska Prevention Center for Alcohol & Drug Abuse and in part by Grant #93.243 under the Strategic Prevention Framework-Partnership for Success Grant from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Center for Substance Abuse Prevention through the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services and Region 6 Behavioral Healthcare.


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