Drinking at MCC

This quiz presents important information about the drinking culture at MCC and provides you with additional information to share with your sons and daughters to help correct their misperceptions.

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What is the difference in the number of times per month that MCC first year males and females report drinking?
Males and females drink about the same amount of times per month.
First Year Students at MCC in 2012
Males Females
How many times drank per month 2.3 times 2.12 times
Who drank (at whatever amount per occasion) 57.5% 56.5%
Drinks per occasion in one month 4.22 drinks 2.71 drinks
Similar to trends observed nationally, the difference between male and femalel drinking patterns continues to decline. In fact, unlike at the turn of the century, in 2009-10, there was NO statistically significant difference between the percentage of first year males and females who chose to drink. However, there was a slight difference between the average number of drinks per occasion, with females drinking half as many drinks as males in one sitting. When asked, first year students frequently over-estimated the number of times their peers drink alcohol. It is important to note that on average, students reported drinking alcohol on six or fewer days per month.
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First year male students report engaging in occasional* binge drinking at much higher rates than first year female students at MCC. *Occasional is defined as 2 or fewer times in the last 2 weeks.
First Year Students at MCC in 2009-2010 Males Females
Occasional binge drinking (2 or fewer times in the last 2 weeks) 4.5% 3.4%
Frequent binge drinking (3 or more times in the last 2 weeks) 4.1% 6.9%
In 2013, occasional binge drinking was almost the same for first year males and females. This information again shows that the gap between male and female drinking behavior is narrowing in some regards. Males continue to report slightly higher rates of frequent binge drinking than females. Regardless, it is important to emphasize in your conversations with your sons and daughters that the overwhelming majority of first year students didn't binge drink in the previous two weeks (91%males; 90% females).
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Engaging in meaningful volunteer activities will ________________ the likelihood of high-risk drinking.
Research supported by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation found that student commitment to volunteering over a 30-day period was positively correlated with reduced levels of high-risk drinking as well with primary and secondary harms.
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Students who were involved in sports during high school are less likely to engage in high-risk drinking at college.
While it's unclear why, the fact remains that students who were athletes in high school are more likely to drink in high-risk ways at college.
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Which of the following is the most commonly reported impact of drinking at a Nebraska post-secondary institutions? 
Do something one regrets.
Results of Drinking
Missed a class Got behind in school work Did something you regretted Forgot where you were/what you did Engaged in unplanned sexual activity Got into trouble with campus or local police Got hurt or injured
19.9% 19.1% 34.3% 16.4% 15.6% 9.1% 8.3%
It's important to talk to your sons and daughters about some of the problems that can result from drinking. Talk to them about how drinking can put them at risk - legally, physically, academically, and/or socially.
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Drinking is allowed at MCC in which of the following places? Choose all that apply.
Drinking is not allowed at any of them without a permit.
MCC is a permit-only campus, which means that alcohol is NOT allowed anywhere on campus property at any time EXCEPT when a campus permit has been granted for a specific purpose or activity.
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Students who violate any alcohol policy will be cited and sanctioned according to College policy.

Any student who violates the alcohol policy will be sanctioned according to the college policy and may face sanctions off-campus as well depending on the violation.

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the Omaha Police Department (OPD) regularly conducts “Party Patrols” in the community and strictly enforces local laws.  OPD will ticket individuals at a party that are:
  • Guilty of minor in possession
  • Disturbing the peace
  • Selling alcohol without a license, and
  • Procurring alcohol to or for minors.
  • 94.5 % of underage Nebraska college students who drink report drinking at parties, NOT bars. First year students as well as all other under-aged students almost exclusively drink at parties in homes and apartments.
  • Students who receive off-campus violations for disorderly house, selling alcohol without a license, and procuring to or for minors are in violation of the Student Code of Conduct at MCC. Those violations may result in on-campus sanctions in addition to the legal consequences. Local law enforcement reports these violations to the Student Judicial Affairs Office.
Power of Parenting at Metropolitan Community College was developed with support from the Nebraska Office of Highway Safety, the Nebraska Prevention Center for Alcohol & Drug Abuse and in part by Grant #93.243 under the Strategic Prevention Framework-Partnership for Success Grant from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Center for Substance Abuse Prevention through the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services and Region 6 Behavioral Healthcare.


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