
Welcome to the online Academic Probation Workshop. For some students, finding out that they are on academic probation comes as a surprise. The purpose of this workshop is to guide you through the process of getting off and staying off of academic probation. At MCC, we want you to succeed.

Note: If your Financial Aid has been suspended, please contact a Financial Aid office.

Before we get started...

You will need the following:

  • A copy of your current unofficial transcript. A copy of your transcript can be obtained by logging into MyWay. After you have logged in:
    1. Go to Student Self Service
    2. Click on the graduation hat (Academics) in the gray bar on the left side of the page
    3. Click Unofficial Transcript
    4. Click on the Electronic Transcripts Transcript to download a PDF copy of the Transcript
  • A calculator and piece of paper to determine the GPA in an example you will be given.

This workshop will take approximately 30 minutes.

This workshop will help you understand academic probation and how you can improve your academic standing. The workshop will require you to answer quiz questions as you advance from section to section. You will not be able to advance until each quiz question is answered correctly.